Friday, November 27, 2015

Light and Dark/ Volume

 Assignment: Choose a dramatically lit subject to sketch.  Begin by using your eraser to pull out specific areas of light throughout the image.  Use both kneaded and plastic erasers.  Only after you’ve pulled out all of the lights, then begin to add value in the darkest areas using compressed charcoal.  Use your chamois cloth to blend values.  Pay careful attention to the subtle changes between areas of lights and darks.

 By using paper that has been toned with charcoal, instead of white paper, you can easily achieve a richer, more dramatic, volumetric drawing. Tone a piece of paper in your sketchbook to a value of medium gray using vine or compressed charcoal, and then smooth it to an even finish with a chamois cloth, napkin, or paper towel.  Make sure that you achieve an even middle-gray value. 

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